Interior Design: Color Consulting

Color and Furnishings: We understand that not every client is in need of a full service interior design firm. Are you happy with your home layout, finishes and functional spaces? Do you just need a refresh or some help settling into a new home? Vivian Soliemani Design is happy to offer color consultation services as well as assistance in specifying and procuring furnishings for your home. VSol is excited to lend a hand no matter how big or how small the project may be.

We can provide comprehensive paint schemes for your home and suggest ways to refresh your existing exterior or interior design. The team can also provide furniture planning for your home, utilizing existing pieces as desired while suggesting new items to compliment the space. Vivian Soliemani has access to a myriad of skilled craftspeople who can help to restore and reupholster furniture, rework draperies and aide in any updating that the client may require.

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